Friday, May 20, 2011

Vacation Bible School 2011

last month i had so many unforgettable experiences, especially in my ministry in our church, where God called me to serve.
last April 21-24, 2011, my church (Cornerstone Bible Christian Fellowship) Children's Ministry held a Vacation Bible School (Theme: The Lost World)
VBS was a big big part of my Christian life. That's why I'm very excited every year for this event. i also grew up attending VBS, can't count how many times I attended.
that's the reason why i can't help myself but to share my experiences in our last VBS 2011.

here are some of the captured moments..


kids singing the Theme Song: "Let all creation"

(teacher weng, teacher arnel, & asst. teacher cathy)
ages 6-7

(teacher arlene, teacher jun, & asst. teacher mich)
ages 8-9

this is my favorite picture of Dino Hunters. i love the mask. :)

(teacher Lhen [ME] & asst. teacher hajji)
ages 10-12
my cuuute students.. love them all. :)

one of my favorite pictures! the shoes & sandals are awesome! :)

(teacher ens, teacher mike, & asst. teacher iboy)
ages 13-15

it was all a great experience. i'd love to see those kids learning new things and most of all learning about God's love. teaching those children is one of the best things i can do for God. i know that God is very happy seeing those kids spending time in the church and learning about His Words. 

after the 5 sessions, of course we had our Graduation day. on our graduation the 4 sections prepared a special  presentations. 
 i saw that the children were very excited for their graduation because the teachers will give awards & honors to those kids who stand out in the class.

our  dear Pastor speaking in the pulpit. (Ptr. Reinard Manahan)

fossil diggers' super cuuute dance presentation.
for me they were the most FUN-tastic  presentation that day.

fossil diggers' top 5 students

Dino Hunters' top 5 students

field researchers' top 5 students. (my students)
oops, they were only 4 because my student who got the rank no.5 was absent.

lab analysts top 5 students.
yeeeheee! the VBS ended up Victoriously. That's because of God's grace and provision. 

of course this VBS would not be complete without the help of this lovely people.


I really thank God for these people (my uh-maaazing church mates) who work so very hard to make our VBS a successful one.

i know that we all love to serve God. may we always serve the Lord through our talents, gifts, skills and strength.
i salute you guys! Congratulations!

all our efforts would not be in vain because God will reward us by doing things for His Name.

"go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation"
Mark 16:15


1 comment:

  1. lhen!!! i loved seeing these photos!! makes my heart miss the philippines and ministry there so much!! i continue to pray for the chance to head back soon. :)


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