Forgiveness is the process that lead us to forgive those who hurt us. it also lead us to seek and accept forgiveness from those we hurt. Forgiveness is the key to freedom of the effects of past.
-Ptr. Clem Guillermo
1. Choose to forgive. the process of forgiveness always begin with a decision. then it become the process of freeing yourself.
2. Recognize the injury.
3. Ask God to forgive that person who wronged you.
4. Bless that person with your forgiveness.
5. Ask GOD to forgive you for hurting others.
6. Seek to be forgiving, commit yourself to ask for forgiveness.
7. Consider Reconciliation.
8. Learn to forget. do not hold the person accountable again.
9. Rejoice. Celebrate. Be healed. and Praise the LORD.
10. Move forward. be a wounded healer.

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