Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Wisdom is supreme.

"Wisdom is supreme; therefore get wisdom. Though it cost all you have, get understanding." 
Proverbs 4:7

last Sunday (June 26, 2011), CBCF Youth Ministry held an activity. 
The Theme was, TARA LET'S, ARAL NA!

it was all about the importance of Education and what the Bible says about it.
This activity aims to encourage the young people to pursue education.

(our Pastor speaking in front. By the way, he don't want us to call him Pastor, he just want us to call him Kuya rei)

(that's Hajji and Iboy- the Masters of Ceremony)

(time for some ice breaker)

(playing QUIZ-BEE)

(Praise and Worship. Music Team)

(open forum)

(food. and bonding time)

(its actually my first time to wear a yellow nerd shades. i just borrowed it from my church mate. In fairness, t'was cute, wanting to have one :P.) 

of course, I really thank God for allowing us to have this activity.
He really has a purpose for our Youth Ministry and to every young people who was there. 

i can say,
that  the whole program was really good.  
i saw that every youth was very blessed when they heard what God says about education. 
though it will cost all we have, we need to pursue it. that's how important it is.

indeed, "Education is the only possession which cannot be taken away from us."
(a well-known quotation)

one thing that remains in my mind and in my heart is;  in following our dreams we also need to acknowledge God's dream  for us. 
if we really want to be successful, we need God in our side.

as He says on His Word:
"Wisdom is supreme; therefore get wisdom. Though it cost all you have, get understanding." 
Proverbs 4:7

Tara let's, aral na!
Let's follow our dreams.
dream big. Aim high.
Reach for the highest goal.

To God be the Glory!

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