Summer leaves me a lot of good experiences, it always does. since it's summer, I spent much time serving the Lord through Youth Ministry in our Church.
first off, we attended a National Youth Conference and Praise & Worship "Youth Factor 5: Contagious" @ Cuneta Astrodome in Pasay City. Thousands of youth nationwide gathered together, wonderful musicians lead the worship and great speakers encouraged everyone.

it was a big privileged to be part of this event. i believe everyone were blessed that day.

During "Pure Love" seminar. it encouraged the youth to pursue purity in their lives.

heartfelt Mother's Day special

blissful Team building

joint fellowship with other church. United with One true God "Jesus Christ".

to summed up, we all had a wonderful and fruitful summer experience. I know God has a lot more in-store for us. Though the duties and responsibilities He entrusted to me as Youth leader is not easy, but i gain so much rewards. rewards that are heavenly measure. rewards like seeing the young people continually seeking God in their lives. rewards, through hearing how God's grace is enough for each one of them and how He moves in their lives. it's very true, serving people is not easy but it's so rewarding.
all Glory to God for His goodness.
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