One of the best life's gifts is the Gift of Friendship. I think life wouldn't be complete without it. It has been a big part of my life and i think many of us too. It's one of the relationships i value so much. Personally, I'm so very thankful and grateful for all the friendships i have now. I can't even imagine life without these people i call "my friends", some from childhood, grade-school, high school, college, work, online, church and etc. One of the lessons I've learned as i grew up, is to value each friendship i have and simply to love my friends.
Recently, I experienced and felt again the Joy of having great friends and having genuine friendship. Last Sunday, i had a time to spend with my lovely church-mates. After all the busyness and stress i had in the whole week of work, it all faded away, as i spend time with them. Although i know i have limited time to spend, i just put in my mind that i have to savor every minute of it.

I enjoyed the wacky poses, non-stop laughs, heartfelt smiles, catching ups, and fun-games. Being with these bunch of young people is one of the best moments in life. I thank God for the gift of friendship He has given us. The Brotherhood and Sisterhood of everyone is enough reason to Thank and Praise Him. I know and I believe that this friendship is very strong because Jesus Christ is our rock and foundation. He first loved us, so that we would be able to share to one another the love we received from Him. God is indeed good because He has given me a lot friends, not just friends but good friends. I know in the coming days, months, or years He will still bless me with many more friends.
One more thing, that night also, we started the revival of the Dance Ministry together with my co-dance leaders. The new young teens, had their recital as they join the ministry. We were very excited to share our passion especially with the young and new ones.

we are praying that this ministry will continue up to next generations of young people who are eager to express and share their God-given talents and most of all to Glorify God through it.
AND, to all my friends out there, including You, yes You, who is reading this. I want you to know that I'm so glad to have you and be part of my crazy and cheerful life.
Happy Friday, Cheerful friends! love you a bunch!
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