LIKE MANY WOMEN, each morning, perhaps you wake up, pour yourself a cup of coffee, take a shower and then get ready to meet the world. You pick out an outfit (preferably one that makes you look five to ten pounds lighter), do your hair and put on makeup. Finally, you add jewelry, a belt and maybe a purse. VoilĂ ! You're ready to meet the day.
The care involved in our routines begs the question: How much time do we spend getting ready spiritually each morning? Do we take any time at all to ask God to guide us during our day? Do we read the Scriptures, meditate or pray so that we can be more patient, kind and loving with our family, friends, co-workers? or do we worry more about getting out the door than about the condition of our hearts?
Caring for our outward appearance is not wrong.... as long as we don't neglect focusing on our inner thoughts and attitudes too. In the midst of our busy lives, God often gets pushed to the bottom of our to-do-list. But spiritual growth happens from the inside out.
Try this: Tomorrow as you shower, praise God for the cleansing that JESUS' forgiveness provides. As you're getting dressed, thank God for clothing you with Christ's righteousness. When you put on your moisturizer, ask God to soften your heart to His leading throughout the day. As you apply your makeup, thank Him for being the foundation of your life. When you put in your contacts, ask God to give you eyes to see His workings in the world. And as you put on your earrings, thank Him for beautifying your life with the fruits of the spirit.
who knows? after talking to God throughout the morning, you might not need caffeine!
{source: New Women's Devotional Bible}

This was my devotion and reflection earlier this week. I thought of sharing this because i want other ladies out there (you) to also reflect on this words and to remind us to make ourselves beautiful from the inside out. I don't see anything wrong about caring in the outward appearance, it's actually good to bring out the best in you. It only gets wrong when we cared so much of our physical appearance and tend to forget God to make us and help us grow beautifully in the inside. As the Scripture says in 1 Peter 3;3-4, "Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as elaborate hairstyles and the wearing of gold jewelry or fine clothes. Rather, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God’s sight."
Ladies, may we always be beautiful from the inside out.
Have a beautiful Day!
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